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Kamila Zenata

Kamila Zenata
Kamila Zenata
Kamila Zenata
Kamila Zenata
Kamila Zenata

Kamila represents an unconventional phenomenon on the Czech art scene. Like a brook gradually growing into a river, the graphic art student has successively become a painter, then a multimedia artist, therapist and author. In her artistic work, Kamila consistently pursues two main directions. One being her interest in shared memory, individual memories, dreams, networks of relations and influences (the unconscious) and other principles, operating outside of conventional time and space. The other direction is Kamila’s observations and monitoring of the phenomena and changing states of nature. The shared field of both of these directions is the perception of the world as a play of energies, continuously transforming into narratives in an ineffable cycle. Kamila lives and works in Prague, Czech Republic.


Text © Helena Gaudekova 


Book of Changes (23rd August 2018)   ⋅   curatorial text   ⋅   facebook picture gallery



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